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p_1 The Retirement Readiness Guide Making the most of your retirement requires the knowledge that you won’t outlive your assets or create a financial burden for your remaining loved ones. In this guide, we discuss the 9 steps to become “retirement ready”, how to avoid the most common retirement mistakes, and helpful tips to reduce your financial stress and anxiety. 9_Step_Guide_Mockup.png 90996186957480 90996186957480
p_2 The Single Woman’s Retirement Planning Guide Are you looking for comfort, confidence, and clarity as it pertains to their financial future? These “three C’s” can sometimes feel difficult to find and impossible to grasp. In this guide, we discuss the top 7 financial challenges single women face, how to successfully navigate these hurdles, and how to experience comfort, confidence, and clarity about your financial future. Single_Woman_Guide_Mockup.png 93186315376160 93186315376160
p_3 The Financial Advisor Comparison Guide Have you ever wondered if your current advisor is putting your best interest first? Do you know exactly what you are paying for financial advice? Is your advisor just a salesman or do they operate as a fiduciary? This guide will educate and help you ask the right questions with the goal of making a better decision when comparing and contrasting financial advisors. 10_Questions_Guide_Mockup.png 91345001073444 91345001073444
p_4 State Farm Agent Retirement Guide Owning an insurance agency results in a unique level of complexity. Because of this, you should be looking for a fiduciary centric team that serves as a “specialist” for State Farm agents and has a deep working knowledge of retirement and your State Farm benefits. In this guide, we will answer the top questions we receive from State Farm agents as it pertains to retirement planning. State_Farm_Guide_Mockup.png 213624552354150 213624552354150