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The Price Group | Houston, TX


Biden Is Out. Now What?

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Managing Director | Wealth Manager

In a historic move, President Biden announced Sunday he is no longer running for reelection though he plans to serve out the remainder of his term...
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AdvisorHub Names Matt Price as a Top Advisor to Watch

Randy R. Price, CFP®, CIMA®, CIMC®
Executive Managing Director | Wealth Manager

Please join me in congratulating Matt Price for being named by AdvisorHub as one of America's "250 Advisors to Watch (Under $1B)"...
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Preventing Financial Fraud For Retirees

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Managing Director | Wealth Manager

Retirees have long been susceptible to financial fraud because the boomer generation has considerable wealth, did not grow up with technology, and typically have more free time to entertain various schemes presented to them...
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The Top Ten

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Managing Director | Wealth Manager

The ‘top ten’ is a term that is used a lot whether it is pertaining to college football rankings, where you finished in your high school graduating class, or a list of your favorite books. We thought it helpful to study the ‘top ten’ stocks in the S&P 500 to glean some insight on how this can affect investing returns moving forward...
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Introducing Our Newest Team Member

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Managing Director | Wealth Manager

We are excited to introduce the newest team member of The Price Group – Preston Price! Preston joined us on April 1st and we look forward to our clients getting to know him on a personal and professional level...
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Roth IRAs For Kids

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Managing Director | Wealth Manager

Does a child who is 40+ years from retirement need a retirement savings account? At first, the idea could sound unnecessary. But a Roth IRA can give a younger loved one a major leg up in building wealth while helping them develop a strong work ethic and financial habits...
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Update To 2024 Beneficiary IRA RMD Rules

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Managing Director | Wealth Manager

In April 2024, the IRS issued a notice, which excuses required minimum distributions (RMDs) missed in 2024 for IRA beneficiaries subject to annual RMDs within the 10-year period. This provision has been very controversial (and confusing)...
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The Hidden Risk of Retirement

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Managing Director | Wealth Manager

Retirement savings are not built overnight… they are usually built slowly by living within your means, saving on a regular/consistent basis, and investing based on your financial goals over a long period of time...
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Forbes Names Randy Price as a Best-In-State Wealth Advisor For 2024

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Managing Director | Wealth Manager

Please join me in congratulating Randy Price – my partner, father, and good friend – for being named (again) as one of the top financial advisors in Texas...
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Matty Kerns Promoted to Wealth Manager

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Managing Director | Wealth Manager

Matthew (Matty) Kerns has been with The Price Group for over 4 years, and he has been an invaluable asset to our team and also the client families that we serve...
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The Market Loves Elections

Matthew Kerns, CFP®
Vice President | Wealth Manager

As election season approaches, many clients find themselves on edge, wondering how the political landscape will impact their portfolios. Historically, election years have been characterized by uncertainty and volatility...
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Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Managing Director | Wealth Manager

Earlier this month, the S&P 500 closed above 5,000 for the first time ever. Interestingly, the S&P has risen in 14 of the last 15 weeks – something it has not done since 1972...
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KISS - Keep It Simple, Stupid

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Managing Director | Wealth Manager

KISS stands for “Keep it simple, stupid”. Have you heard this acronym? It is something you might share with a friend when he or she is overthinking a situation.
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Forbes Names The Price Group As A Best-In-State Wealth Management Team For 2024

Randy R. Price, CFP®, CIMA®, CIMC®
Executive Managing Director | Wealth Manager

All of us at The Price Group are honored to be recognized by Forbes as the #30 Wealth Management Team in Texas - South for 2024...
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7 Themes for 2024

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Managing Director | Wealth Manager

Randy and I do not make short-term stock market predictions. Why? Because even the “best” are wrong most of the time. However, we do like to share our thoughts as it pertains to the trends that will influence our decision making over the next 12 months...
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The Phantom Raise From Uncle Sam - 2024 Edition

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Managing Director | Wealth Manager

Each year, many of our clients eagerly await their cost-of-living adjustment in the hopes of getting a higher monthly paycheck. They will be receiving a 3.2% raise from Social Security starting in January 2024...
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Interest Rates & Cash Yields

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Managing Director | Wealth Manager

Given the recent volatility within the bond market, we thought it helpful to provide a detailed explanation of our thoughts related to interest rates and cash/money market yields...
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Not Another Acronym

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Managing Director | Wealth Manager

You could be receiving advice on how to invest your IRA from an IAR (Investment Advisory Representative) who works at a RIA (Registered Investment Advisor). How is that for confusing?
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Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Managing Director | Wealth Manager

My wife (Emily) and I are both the oldest of five kids. This creates a loud/fun atmosphere most of the time but it also creates a lot of sibling weddings to attend....
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Smitten By Dividends

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Managing Director | Wealth Manager

According to Merriam-Webster, a dividend is “a share in profits to stockholders.” Said another way, a dividend is a payment to a shareholder of a portion of a company’s profit...
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A Lot of Information But Limited Knowledge

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Managing Director | Wealth Manager

It is hard to believe that I have been working with Randy for the past 13 years. In some ways, I feel like I have been working with him forever but it also feels like I just started in this profession..
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Restrictive Parents

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Managing Director | Wealth Manager

Sometimes as parents, we have to make unpopular decisions with our children for their own good. I now understand this a lot more with four kids of my own...
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4 Expenses Retirees Underestimate

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Managing Director | Wealth Manager

One of the most important questions asked in the retirement planning process is, “how much money will I spend in retirement?” While it is a short question, the answer can be complicated...
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Forbes Names Matt Price as a Best-In-State Next-Gen Wealth Advisor For 2023

Randy R. Price, CFP®, CIMA®, CIMC®
Executive Managing Director | Wealth Manager

Please join me in congratulating Matt Price for being named as one of the top financial advisors of his generation in the state of Texas...
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10 Reasons To Be Optimistic

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Director | Wealth Manager

While there are a number of issues in today’s world to be concerned about (and there always will be!), we wanted to share 10 reasons you should be optimistic about the economy and the financial markets...
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Inflation Update | July 2023

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Director | Wealth Manager

For many of us, the rest of this week will just be a collection of hot/muggy days in Houston; however, if you are paying attention to the financial markets, there is a lot going on...
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Expectations for a First Meeting

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Director | Wealth Manager

One of the first questions we get when someone is considering meeting with us is “what should I expect if I schedule a meeting with your team?” We thought it helpful to answer those questions for you...
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The Price Group Is Growing

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Director | Wealth Manager

We are excited to announce the arrival of Harrison Daniel Price! He was born on April 28th weighting 7 lb 11 oz. Mom (Emily) and Harrison are both doing great...
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Debt Ceiling

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Director | Wealth Manager

We anticipate a deal will be struck prior to any default because America is the world's reserve currency and has spent decades convincing the globe that investing in the U.S. government is the safest option available...
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Forbes Names Randy Price as a Best-In-State Wealth Advisor For 2023

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Director | Wealth Manager | Partner

Please join me in congratulating Randy Price – my partner, father, and good friend – for being named (again) as one of the top financial advisors in Texas...
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Good News On Margins

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Director | Wealth Manager | Partner

While there are many other factors that affect stock prices in the short term, higher earnings are the main catalyst for higher stock prices over the long-term. For nearly a year now, many commentators have been calling for a slow-down in corporate earnings...
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World Reserve Currency

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Director | Wealth Manager | Partner

Recently, we have received more questions than normal about the dollar's role as the world reserve currency and also the viability of the U.S. dollar maintaining this important status. We thought it helpful to share some background on this important topic...
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Expectations For Stock Market Returns

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Director | Wealth Manager | Partner

Being efficient on a road trip is important to me… I don’t know why but it always has been. I almost never speed when driving within the city but I feel like I should always be going 10+ MPH over if I am on a long road trip...
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Don't Call It A Comeback

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Director | Wealth Manager | Partner

Augusta National Golf Club hosts the most famous golf tournament in the world called The Masters. One could argue that we witnessed the greatest sports comeback of all-time at the 2019 playing of this renowned tournament...
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Should You Embrace The ESG Trend?

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Director | Wealth Manager | Partner

As ESG has gained in popularity, we have had and continue to have doubts. In our humble opinion, the ESG industry remains flawed...
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5 Year Anniversary at Steward Partners

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Director | Wealth Manager | Partner

We were very humbled to have 90%+ of our clients make the transition with us five years ago, and we are more excited than ever to provide objective, independent, and fiduciary-centric advice to the families we serve...
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Five Social Security Secrets the SSA Won't Tell You

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Director | Wealth Manager | Partner

For many Americans, Social Security is a crucial component of their retirement plan. Unfortunately, there are a lot that people who have made inaccurate assumptions about how Social Security works...
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The Value of Leftover 529 Plans

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Director | Wealth Manager | Partner

We have quite a few client conversations each year that go like this... “I really like the idea of saving for my child's (or grandchild’s) future education BUT I am worried we might overfund the 529 plan.” If you have ever thought this before, we have good news for you...
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History of U.S. Markets (1792-1929)

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Director | Wealth Manager | Partner

Most published financial data only goes back 100 years. There is not much written literature for public markets (stocks and bonds) prior to the 1920’s. We pulled together some historical data on the U.S. financial markets prior to the Great Depression...
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Are Financial Advisors Worth It?

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Director | Wealth Manager | Partner

When we meet a new family who is “kicking the tires” to hire a financial advisor, we often get asked the question… “how are we able to quantify the value that a financial advisor may provide?” This is a very good question and worthy of explanation...
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Secure Act 2.0

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Director | Wealth Manager | Partner

We thought it helpful to provide an overview of the 2023 government funding bill containing legislation that makes the most significant changes to the U.S. retirement savings system in decades...
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9 Themes For 2023

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Director | Wealth Manager | Partner

Randy and I do not make short-term stock market predictions. Why? Because even the “best” are wrong most of the time. However, we do like to share our thoughts as it pertains to the trends that will influence our decision making over the next 12 months...
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Strategic Generosity

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Director | Wealth Manager | Partner

While many of us give to different organizations and give for different reasons, we believe it is important for all of us to consider giving...
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BIG Days

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Director | Wealth Manager | Partner

In November 2022, the S&P 500 stock index was up over 5% in one trading day on the news that inflation could be “cooling.” This marked one of the best days for the stock market over the past 70+ years...
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Common Misconceptions

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Director | Wealth Manager | Partner

Over the past few months, we have had a lot of conversations with clients about the volatility in the markets. We thought it helpful to share five common misconceptions about market pullbacks along with some conventional wisdom for each incorrect assumption...
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The Phantom Raise From Uncle Sam - 2023 Edition

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Director | Wealth Manager | Partner

Each year, many of our clients eagerly await their cost-of-living adjustment in the hopes of getting a higher monthly paycheck. They will be receiving a 8.7% raise from Social Security starting in January 2023 - the largest raise in over 40 years...
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Perspective Matters

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Director | Wealth Manager | Partner

Unfortunately, I inherited some of my Dad’s humor. What this means is that we only have a few jokes/stories and we use them often. One of my Dad’s stories he told with regularity starts with “Well, when I was a kid…”
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Your Secret Recipe

Randy R. Price, CFP®, CIMA®, CIMC®
Executive Managing Director | Wealth Manager | Partner

My family and friends know that I am a country boy at heart and LOVE biscuits… especially with sausage gravy....
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Bearish Sentiment Soars

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Director | Wealth Manager | Partner

My wife and I have enjoyed watching the show Alone after our kids are in bed. The show involves sending 10 individuals into a remote part of the world and providing each of them with only a few necessary tools...
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History of the Federal Reserve

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Director | Wealth Manager | Partner

Many economists will say that the most powerful man in the world is NOT the President of the United States of America but the Chairman of the Federal Reserve. Why you might ask? Let us explain...
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New York City

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Director | Wealth Manager | Partner

Emily and I have been to New York City twice over the past 10 years of marriage. Most recently, we spent New Years Eve in the Big Apple. No – we did not watch the ball drop in Time Square...
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Counting Your Chickens Before They Hatch

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Director | Wealth Manager | Partner

My wife (Emily) is the oldest of five children and grew up in the heart of San Antonio. Their family had a handful of "normal" pets like dogs, cats, and bunnies along with some obscure pets like chickens, goats, turtles, and turkeys...
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Drunk Goggles

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Director | Wealth Manager | Partner

When I was 15, I took a driver’s education course along with most of my classmates. There were a few days of classroom work then they put you in a car in an empty parking lot...
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Everyone Loves Donuts

Randy R. Price, CFP®, CIMA®, CIMC®
Executive Managing Director | Wealth Manager | Partner

During high school, I was involved with a service organization that raised money for charitable causes. One weekend, one of my friends and I drove 22 miles to the next town over and filled my Mom’s Buick station wagon with 350 dozen warm Krispy Kreme donuts...
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History of Inflation - Part 2

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Director | Wealth Manager | Partner

We gave our two oldest children their first piggy bank this year. The piggy bank has a compartment to give, save, and spend. We also created a chore chart for them and “pay day” is every Sunday...
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History of Inflation - Part 1

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Director | Wealth Manager | Partner

I had a conversation with an older gentleman at our church earlier this year and I was explaining to him how I felt like Emily and I could not catch-up on the home-front...
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Blood In The Streets

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Director | Wealth Manager | Partner

In 2022, the balanced 60/40 (60% stocks and 40% bonds) portfolio had its worst six-month start to the year dating all the way back to 1976. This is due to the combination of soaring bond yields and a bear market for stocks...
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Thoughts on the Market | Stocks Are Fairly Valued

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Director | Wealth Manager | Partner

Unfortunately, polarization is a defining trait of our culture in 2022. For example, most likely you love the new LIV golf league or you hate it. You love a certain politician or you hate that politician. As it pertains to investing...
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Q1 2022 Recession Dashboard

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

A recession (i.e. defined as two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth) is coming. We guarantee it. Unfortunately, we do not know when. We think it wise to focus on what can help us identify the next looming recession...
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We Do Not Know

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

We have all crossed paths with someone who is a “know-it-all”. Maybe a friend, an extended family member, or that person in your office who sits down the hall from you...
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The Great Divergence

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

We are living in an increasingly complex world with so many voices beckoning for us to listen to them. It can be very difficult to know who to trust and believe especially as it pertains to the financial markets...
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Thoughts on the Market | The Ides of March

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

In high school, instead of Spanish, I took Latin as my foreign language. Looking back on it, I wish I had taken Spanish, but our Latin class did spend a significant amount of time studying Roman history which I found very interesting...
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Thoughts on the Market | January Recap

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

Corrections are normal but it never feels good when you are in the middle of one. Stock market corrections remind me of my childhood when I would get my mouth washed out with soap by my mother...
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Potty Training & Estate Planning

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

Just as no parent looks forward to potty training their child, no one looks forward to creating (or updating) their estate planning documents either. BUT, potty training and estate plans are 100% necessary...
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Are Stocks Expensive?

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

Are stocks expensive? This is a great question and a topic we discuss with clients on an almost daily basis. It is difficult to give an absolute answer to this question because there are so many different variables at play...
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Q4 2021 Recession Dashboard

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

A recession (i.e. defined as two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth) is coming. We guarantee it. Unfortunately, we do not know when. We think it wise to focus on what can help us identify the next looming recession...
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Welcome to 2022!

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

Randy and I do not make short-term stock market predictions. Why? Because even the “best” are wrong most of the time. However, we do like to share our thoughts as it pertains to the trends that will influence The Price Group’s decision making over the next 12 months...
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Are Bond Investors Stuck In The Past?

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

Bonds play an important role in most retirees’ investment portfolios today. Why? Because if a retiree’s “nest egg” was 100% invested in stocks, they would not have time to recover from another large pullback...
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Am I "Old" Now?

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

Houston has great weather for 2 to 3 months each year, and after a hot summer, I have found myself looking forward to the fall weather more than normal...
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How Behavioral Finance Can Affect YOU

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

You might read the title of this blog and start yawning. It’s okay – you would not be alone. But this topic is very important to the potential long-term success of our clients, so we thought it helpful to explain in greater detail...
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Q3 2021 Recession Dashboard

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

A recession (i.e. defined as two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth) is coming. We guarantee it. Unfortunately, we do not know when. We think it wise to focus on what can help us identify the next looming recession...
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The Phantom Raise from Uncle Sam - 2022 Edition

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

Each year, many of our clients eagerly await their cost-of-living adjustment in the hopes of getting a higher monthly paycheck. This year, they will be receiving a 5.9% raise from Social Security starting in January 2022 - the largest raise in over 40 years...
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Your Retirement Caddie

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

One of my favorite memories growing up is playing golf with my Dad. During the summer months, we would eat a quick dinner with the family then sneak out to the golf course to play 3 or 4 holes before the sun set...
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Capitalism vs Socialism

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

It has become much harder to analyze the fundamental data of the economy without focusing on what the government has done and continues to do in support of the economy...
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Vacation vs. Trip: What's the Difference?

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

After traveling recently with our three young children, I can tell you there is a cosmic difference between a vacation and a trip...
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Irrationality Is Predictable

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

Randy and I often say that we don’t make short-term stock market predictions. Why? Because Warren Buffett says “neither I nor you are smart enough to predict where the stock market will be in a year from now.”
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Does The 4% Rule Still Work?

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

The 4% rule is not a good topic of conversation for your next date night, but it is important to study and understand if this time-tested strategy will continue to offer prudent spending advice for future retirees...
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Q2 2021 Recession Dashboard

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

We have taken almost a year off from publishing our quarterly recession dashboard. Since the economy has been fully open (for the most part) for a few months, we thought it would be appropriate to start sharing our recession dashboard again...
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The Artful Transition

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

The Wall Street Journal recently reported that people are leaving jobs at the highest levels in two decades. It is important to leave your job in a tactful way to keep your network strong. If you’re still weighing the decision, here’s a checklist to consider...
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Four Dangers of High Investing Expectations

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

Optimism is a staple of being an American just like fireworks on the 4th of July or eating hotdogs at a ball game. Just as eating too many hotdogs can make you feel sick, high expectations for your investment portfolio can do the same...
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The Price Group Is Growing

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

We are excited to announce the arrival of Lawson Matthew Price! He was born on Cinco de Mayo...
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Crypto Investing for Retirees

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

The fear of missing out (FOMO) is a powerful force. Investors look with envy at cryptocurrency returns and are somewhat frustrated they are missing out...
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Do You Have A Wealth Coach?

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

Most every serious athlete has a coach. Business leaders have coaches. Even musicians have coaches...
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10 Years

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

My parents had a lot of cliché sayings they used when I was growing up. As a parent with three young children, I can appreciate these phrases a little more now than I could then...
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Interest Rates, Inflation, and Stock Market Valuations

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

There has been quite a bit of “noise” lately about equity valuations, interest rates, and inflation. We thought it helpful to provide some perspective on these complex topics...
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Tax Planning Matters

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

My wife has a short list of items that we are not allowed to talk about at the dinner table… one of those items is “tax planning.”
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An Update on our Firm, Steward Partners

Randy R. Price, CFP®, CIMA®, CIMC®
Executive Managing Director | Wealth Manager | Partner

It is hard to believe we have been at our “new” firm (Steward Partners) for about three years now. As the saying goes… "time flies when you are having fun!"
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Tom Brady's First Championship

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

Tom Brady (at age 43!) won his 7th championship earlier this month. We thought it helpful and maybe interesting to review a few companies that were alive and thriving when Tom won his first ring back in 2002...
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Backyard Bubbles & Stock Market Bubbles

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

When I hear the word ‘bubble,’ my first thought is about playing with bubbles in our backyard with my two girls. When we pull out the bubbles, it never ends well...
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Is a Roth Conversion Right for You?

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

If the grass looks greener on the tax-free side of the retirement income fence, you may want to consider a Roth conversion...
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New Year Resolutions

Randy R. Price, CFP®, CIMA®, CIMC®
Executive Managing Director | Wealth Manager | Partner

The year of 2020. ‘Wow’ is all we all say. Who could have imagined a global pandemic that would paralyze almost the entire world. But let’s take a peek around the corner and look forward to 2021.
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Your Thankful Turkey

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

Last year, our family started the tradition of a "Thankful Turkey." During the month of November, our oldest daughter (Hallie) picks something that she is thankful for each night before she goes to bed, and we write it down on a turkey feather...
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The Great Migration

Randy R. Price, CFP®, CIMA®, CIMC®
Executive Managing Director | Wealth Manager | Partner

I have never been to Africa but it is a trip definitely on our “bucket list.” Lindy (my wife) and I would love to participate in some sort of mission trip to Africa and also time the trip to witness the great migration...
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The Next Hurdle for 2020: Election Day

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

Regardless of your political affiliation, emotions are running high heading into this election. One of our most often asked questions is, "What should we be doing?"
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The Phantom Raise From Uncle Sam - 2021 Edition

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

Asking for a raise was considered one of the top anxiety causing conversations in the work place according to a recent study. But there is good news… you will not have to ask for a raise from Uncle Sam for your Social Security paycheck in 2021...
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Should I Retire Early?

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

It’s not difficult to understand why more and more Americans are considering or pursuing early retirement. Anyone contemplating that course of action should carefully consider a few issues...
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Traveling with Toddlers

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

Earlier this summer, Emily and I decided to take our family of four to the mountains for a few days to escape the Houston heat. The extra “work” of getting our family there was well worth it once we arrived.
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The 2020 Election & Your Investment Portfolio

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

2020 has certainly been a roller coaster of a year and the ride is not over yet. The days, weeks, and months leading up to the November 3 presidential election are going to be full of drama, noise, and confusion...
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Laid Off? 9 Steps To Manage Your Finances

Randy R. Price, CFP®, CIMA®, CIMC®
Executive Managing Director | Wealth Manager | Partner

Unfortunately, too many people have lost their jobs as a result of the COVID virus. This resource was created to help those in between jobs navigate this uncomfortable season of life.
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Perspective Leads to Gratitude

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

2020 has been a difficult year for all of us. Despite all the challenges we face, I've learned from the example of Hester Ford that hardship alone should not prevent us from being thankful.
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Grandchildren Are Fun & 529 Plans Are Necessary

Randy R. Price, CFP®, CIMA®, CIMC®
Executive Managing Director | Wealth Manager | Partner

“Lovey and Bobo” have another babysitting client, and we are beyond excited! A client said it best several years ago… “If I knew grandkids were going to be this much fun, I would have had them first.”
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Retirement Income In A COVID World

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

Discussing retirement income usually does not feel important until it is very important. Not IF but WHEN turbulent markets come again, a predictable income stream is essential to a successful retirement.
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Hamilton & Interest Rates

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

Now that Hamilton is streaming, there is once again a lot of talk about this unique theatrical production. I don't consider myself a history buff, but I do enjoy stories that bring history to life with real characters - Hamilton is one of those stories for me.
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9 Facts About Social Security

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

Social Security has been a fact of retirement life ever since it was established in 1935. We all think we know how it works, but how much do you really know?
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Calling My Dad "Randy"

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

Working with family has its perks, but it also brings its own set of challenges. I have had the opportunity to work with my dad, Randy, for over nine years...
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5 Reasons Wealth Transfers Fail

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

A recent survey of more than 3,000 families found that over 90% of family wealth transfers fail by the end of the third generation. But, in this context, what does “fail” really mean?
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The Rise In Female Giving

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

Women are making waves when it comes to philanthropy. It has been very humbling to experience this first hand as our team has developed a niche serving single women...
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Leaving The Vacation Home To Family

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

Whether sporting a beachfront view or nestled in a mountainside perch, your vacation home is a place where special moments happen and important memories are made – a place where your family comes together.
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Long Hair, Don’t Care

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

The spring of 2020 brought on many challenges that we were not prepared for. One of the minor challenges we faced was not being able to get a haircut...
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Caring For Your Aging Parent(s)

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

I have been blessed with a pair of wonderful parents. They have selflessly loved and cared for me and my siblings our entire lives...
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The Fed Goes to War

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

There has been a lot written about America being “at war” with COVID-19...
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Perspective Matters

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

One of the redeeming aspects of this coronavirus quarantine has been that I get to spend more time with my girls...
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Thoughts From The Other Side

Randy R. Price, CFP®, CIMA®, CIMC®
Executive Managing Director | Wealth Manager | Partner

I really love what I do. I wake up in the morning still excited to come into the office. This is indeed a great job…
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Q1 2020 Recession Dashboard

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

A recession (i.e. two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth) is coming. We guarantee it. Unfortunately, we do not know when.
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Forbes Names Randy Price as a Best-In-State Wealth Advisor for 2020

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

Please join me in congratulating Randy Price – my partner, father, and good friend – for being named (again) as one of the top financial advisors in Texas.
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Planning A Vacation Is Hard

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

Do you enjoy planning a vacation or does the idea of planning a trip suck the energy out of you? I have found that people generally love planning trips OR hate planning trips.
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Secure Act IRA Rule Changes

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

I would be willing to bet that none of you discussed the SECURE Act IRA rule changes that went into effect on January 1, 2020 over the holidays. I don’t blame you.
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Charitable Giving | The 15 Questions To Ask

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

The holiday season is upon us! If you are like me, you highly anticipate this time of year but it always seems to fly by. There never seems to be enough time to fit everything you want to do into your busy schedule.
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Your Thankful Turkey

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

During the month of November, our oldest daughter (Hallie) picks something that she is thankful for each night before she goes to bed and we then writes down what she is thankful for on the turkey feather.
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The Bank Of Mom & Dad

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

The #7 lender in the U.S. is not a big bank or a savvy tech firm – it is the “The Bank” of good ol’ Mom and Dad!
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Q4 2019 Recession Dashboard

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

A recession (i.e. two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth) is coming. We guarantee it. Unfortunately, we do not know when.
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Lions, Tigers, & Negative Interest Rates, Oh My!

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

As a 7 year old, I remember watching The Wizard of Oz and partially covering my eyes for parts of the movie. One of the scariest scenes is when...
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No One Dreams of Hitting Singles

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

I grew up loving sports – baseball was one of my favorites. I played catcher and always enjoyed going to watch the Astros play.
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4 Principles To Help Children Gain Financial Freedom

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

“If I knew grandkids were this fun, I would have had them first!”
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How Much Money Should You Leave Your Children

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

Have you ever wondered how much money you “should” leave to your children? This is a common question and point of discussion with many clients when reviewing their Live Well Plan.
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The Joy Of Giving

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

I will never forget the look on Javier’s face. It was a look that embodied pure joy. Javier was a 10 year boy who lived in a small village in El Salvador.
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9 Dumb Money Mistakes Smart People Make

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

Do you have a “friend” who is intelligent, has/had a successful career, is well-spoken but keeps making emotional mistakes when it comes to money? Is this “friend” you?
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10 Things to Know About Bear Markets

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

“A recession is coming! A recession is coming! Quick – get worried and make drastic changes to your long-term retirement plan!”
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The Rule of 72

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

My wife, our two daughters and our golden retriever have never showed any interest when I have wanted to talk about compound interest. You can’t blame them though – right?
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A Recession Is Coming

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

Did the subject line of this email catch your attention? It most likely did as there is considerable talk and discussion about the timing of the next recession.
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The Importance of Behavioral Finance

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

You might read the title of this blog and start yawning. It’s okay – you would not be alone. I like to gauge client’s interest of a subject based on my wife’s reaction when I ask her about the topic at the dinner table.
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How Will Rising Healthcare Costs Affect Your Retirement?

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

It’s no secret healthcare costs are going up. Medical expenses have been steadily increasing for years. In 2007, costs were up almost 12 percent. However, the rate of increase slowed to 6 percent during the past five years and that trend is expected to continue for the foreseeable future.
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How Healthy is the US Economy?

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

The stock market had a 20% correction during the fourth quarter of 2018. This pullback was due to a number of issues but it was partially driven by the fear/anticipation of a domestic recession. We wrote numerous updates stating that we did not believe that a recession was “right around the corner.” We now have the proof to support our claim.
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Garbage In, Garbage Out

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

Growing up, my parents called me “Big Bear” - Mom nor Dad never admitted to this but I think the name stuck because I grew horizontally before I grew vertically. My Dad would say “Big Bear - never lie to your mother or myself. I have a high propensity for the truth.”
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Red Wave, Blue Wave

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

This time the models did get it mostly right with the Democrats winning a majority in the House of Representatives and the Republicans adding to their Senate majority. So far, the markets seem to like the outcome of the various races. Now the debate across Wall Street is whether or not “gridlock” is good.
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Should Parents Pay for College?

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

It is a “Pricey” question - pun intended with the Price triplets currently in college. The triplets started their freshman year at Baylor University in Waco this fall.
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Why Dividends Matter In Retirement

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

Humans tend to think in a linear fashion. For example, if it has rained for the past 10 days, we think it is going to rain forever. After the 2008/2009 market meltdown, investors became very interested in dividends because the stock market was down approximately 40% in 2008.
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Is a recession coming? Is Christmas coming?

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

Both questions have the same answer. Yes. Recessions will continue to happen as long as economic data is tracked with some degree of certainty and Christmas will continue to come every December. With that being said, the better question to ask could be “How long until the next recession?” or “What can help us identify a looming recession?”
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The Fiduciary Journey

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

As you know, Randy served at RBC Wealth Management for the past 19 years and I have been fortunate to work with my dad – I mean, my boss – for the last 7 years. When Randy joined RBC back in 1999, the firm was then Dain Rauscher, an employee-owned Texas based firm...
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The Phantom Raise From Uncle Sam

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

Asking for a raise in the work place was considered one of the top conversations that caused anxiety per a recent study. Consider a LinkedIn survey of 2,000 professionals from around the world:  1. 39% of American professionals are anxious about negotiating. 2. 26% of women feel comfortable negotiating compared to 40% for men.
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Mom – are we there yet?

Matt W. Price, CFP®, CIMA®
Senior Vice President | Wealth Manager | Partner

“Mom – are we there yet? How long till we get to the beach?” This was the most common question that my four younger siblings and I would ask as the Price clan headed to the Florida panhandle each summer while growing up. An annual ten hour drive with five children is not for the faint of heart – am I right?
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